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5 Hot Tips for Getting in Shape this Summer

With summer just around the corner, now is the time to double down on some habits that will allow you to maximise your results from training and achieve the summer body you crave.

These 5 hot tips will not only allow you to reach those aesthetic goals in time for summer, but they will also allow you to maintain it right throughout as long as you stick to them and your plan.

  1. Stay compliant with your nutrition plan!

With summer approaching fast, you must stick to your calories and be diligent with your tracking. In my experience, most people only need to knuckle down for 12 weekends to achieve great results. The weekend is when we like to go out with friends and family, have a meal or two, and let our hair down to celebrate the end of the working week. Time and time again, people do all the hate work during the week, only to undo it during the weekend. Plan and be smart with your options. I'm not saying that you shouldn't go out. I'm just saying to be mindful of your calories and continue to track them.

2. Energy Balance is essential!

At the end of the day and, more importantly, the week, we must ensure we have been in a calorie deficit to move closer to our fat loss goal. This means our calories out need to outweigh the number of calories we consume. Making sure we are sticking to our nutrition plan is one thing, but ensuring we move enough is another. When we are deficient in calories, our bodies will want to slow down. Ensuring you are getting all your steps, training sessions, and cardio in will allow you to maintain your calorie deficit and see progress week in and week out.

3. Prioritise your sleep!

Making sure we prioritise our sleep is a great way to make sure that we recover better and, in return, can perform the next day optimally. Ensuring we sleep enough won't just give us energy the next day, it also allows us to recover from our training and digest our food from the day. When we train, we break down muscle tissue.

4. Have regular feeding times throughout the day!

Making sure we have good meal timing can allow for better uptake of nutrients and a more straightforward dieting process. Our body can only uptake as much as 4g of protein at each meal. By the end of the day, you are roughly going only to bone able to uptake around 10g -12g of protein total. Spacing your meals out across the day will also allow you to feel like you are still consistently eating without missing out on particular meals. Focusing on nutrient-dense meals will allow you to consume a higher volume of food whilst also allowing you to feel like you're getting a full day of eating still, rather than having to cut meals out of your day. Find a routine with your meals that works for you and nail it!

5. Don't be afraid to seek some help!

You're not alone! Finding yourself a great personal trainer can make all the difference. They won't only be able to prescribe you a tailored program to allow you to bring out your best body, but they can also make sure your nutrition is aligned to ensure you get the best results possible within the timeframe you'd like. If you struggle to make the time, sometimes committing and investing in someone to hold you accountable can also be the difference between hitting your goals this year or falling short. Investing in your body and health today will pay dividends in the future!

One more thing: You can’t just “weekend warrior” your way through the summer and expect great results. Consistency is the key to success with summer fitness. Sticking with your workout plan will form habits to help you sustain a regular workout schedule all year long.

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